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Full Version: Chat Colors
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This is a script that makes you have chat colors, it is only functional for respected+, however you can make it useable for everyone by removing the table and table.hasValue argument.

It works by hijacking the normal chat function whenever you type a color and uses the chat.addtext() function to color the chat.

List of available colors


[Image: jzC7mdH.png]
[Image: KYbuLgh.png]

How to use it ?

just type like you would type a normal message but add /color to the start of your message, an example would be

/red Hello World!

/yellow Hello World!

/green Hello World!

/pink Hello World!

/purple Hello World!

/blue Hello World!

 Download Link

Place the .lua file in the autorun folder.
It could really brighten up the chat, now i can call somebody a "bloody cunt" in red and "gay" in pink ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) EDIT: That's a +1 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
LGBT supports you +1
Yes please, that means Rainbow lennies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)