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Here we are....
So, here we are, another mod has been banned, unbanned and given Minge Rank. Honestly, you might have just left it at a ban. 

Here we fucking are, shit posting about Samantha and no, she's not giving me a blowjob just so I can support her. I'm still friends with her because I actually fucking respect her. I guess that the players of DK don't even know what that means or even what it stands for. Shit like this has been posted. All because she pissed off Nemesis, as I've been told.

I don't get it.

When Poet got stripped of his mod, no one made memes about him, no one shit posted every single day about him. There was nearly nothing. But it changes when Samantha gets banned. Ohohoho it fucking changes. It's like cancer has resurfaced into a new form. Forget everything we know about respect and focus on this one thing and fucking beat it until it's dead and then continue to beat it long after it's dead.

What the actual FUCK?

NudeForAdmin: (͡°͜ʖ͡°) aka Pwnzor
ohKinky: XDDDDD aka Ben
Nesara: sam got banned because she wanted to send nudes to NEM for admin rank

New shitposting here
Nesara: samantha like that big cock of ben in her throbbing mouth
"you fucking going over to the catfish side" -ben
"we should make a bet, first one to get nudes from samantha wins" - Nesera on Discord

This shit is only part of what happened today. I am currently on the server while I type this.

This is what DK has become; a breeding ground for fucking retarded 5 year olds throwing around insults like they mean something. DK can be bad yes, but this time it's gone way too fucking far. A step waaaaaaaaaaaaay too fucking far.

Get your shit together and back your fucking claims up.
I honestly don't want to see this shit happen again. 

Put the fire out before it burns us all.

That is all.
Oh and P.S. I couldn't give a single shit about any replies. I don't have the fucking will to read them because of the utter cancer.
I was going to make one of these post but you saved me so much time so thank you <3.
[Image: AB4cDFx.jpg] (yes its 50cc but it goes 55kph and its the biggest i can get)

don't get triggered so bad, I changed my name because the only info I got was "nude for admin", so like, fuckin chill k? Also that's a Pretty shit meme.
[Image: bcDXjNN.gif]
It's always Shitpost o'clock!
(09-22-2016, 05:11 AM)Pwnzor Wrote: don't get triggered so bad, I changed my name because the only info I got was "nude for admin", so like, fuckin chill k? Also that's a Pretty shit meme.

You know what? I'll reply to comments now, since I'm committed. 

You joined the fucking bandwagon. You're adding fuel to the fire and you have no intention of putting it out. Don't tell me to chill when the problem points back to those who made the problem and those who add to it.
I only found out today that she was banned, I changed my name to that for 10 minutes as a bit of banter nothing serious. Stop getting so damn emotional over fuckin gmod.
[Image: bcDXjNN.gif]
It's always Shitpost o'clock!
(09-22-2016, 05:30 AM)Pwnzor Wrote: I only found out today that she was banned, I changed my name to that for 10 minutes as a bit of banter nothing serious. Stop getting so damn emotional over fuckin gmod.

I'm pointing out the shitty cancer. It isn't considered banter anymore. It's fucking cancer.
Fine, if you wanna carry on being a white knight trying to appear to be in the right on the Internet. You know what's not banter anymore? You "jokingly" begging for mod all the time. "It really is a joke" you might say, well that's what anyone doing that would say, trying to keep up the facade of a "joke".
[Image: bcDXjNN.gif]
It's always Shitpost o'clock!
Side note, rip me.
[Image: bcDXjNN.gif]
It's always Shitpost o'clock!
(09-22-2016, 05:40 AM)Pwnzor Wrote: Fine, if you wanna carry on being a white knight trying to appear to be in the right on the Internet. You know what's not banter anymore? You "jokingly" begging for mod all the time. "It really is a joke" you might say, well that's what anyone doing that would say, trying to keep up the facade of a "joke".

I'm not attempting to be a white knight. I'm simply proving a point that no one made memes, shitposted everyday or even made jokes about Poets quick demotion. I don't get that. Nearly everyone is shitting on Samantha but no one seems to give a fuck about Poet.

In response to me wanting mod, I would gladly sign up for a poll on the next mod. Don't derail this conversation.

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